Monday, November 9, 2009

We might be living in a democratic country, but this sure doesn't feel like democracy.

The school administration apparently decided to deduce a whole day's stipend if we don't attend the PE lesson. Of course, don't attend English or History or any subject which is the basis of your future living, but God forbid you were to not attend PE. Obviously this is unfair. It should be treated like any other lesson. It's enough we have to deal with it. In fact, it shouldn't even be in our timetable!! We're not attending post-secondary school to waste time. If I want to exercise I can do it in my own free time. It's funny how the school feels that it's okay to deduce a day's stipend for not attending a lesson and is completely at rest with the fact that we have two 15 minute breaks. We, as the students cannot really complain because we are immediately dismissed because our opinion means nothing. And I'm not saying this without proof either, I'm saying this from experience where I had to go complain to the assistant's head about several issues, either because of teacher-student problems or something like this issue but I was simply ignored because it's easy, really, the teacher is right, you are wrong. It kind of reminds me of that book Animal Farm, the one about communism, hmm. On a more positive note, my mind is at ease knowing that these people who make the rules have some sort of educational background, they know about communism. The fact that they choose to practice it, however..

Students, do not sit idly by. Spread the word, fuck it, copy and paste my banter if you want. But do fight for what should be rightfully yours. Revolution anyone?

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