Friday, December 25, 2009

Best movies I've seen this year aka movies I need to buy on in 2010

Being the control freak that I am I started a list (several actually) at the very beginning of 2009. In this list I wrote all the movie titles that I watched during this year. I'm not gonna say how many I watched though...I've watched quirky ones, scary ones, documentaries and mystery ones. These are the ones that I liked most. Please note that not all movies were released this year, but I did however watch them this year.

1. (500) Days of Summer
Admittedly I wasn't all that objective when I went to watch the movie. I simply love Zooey Deschanel and I was sure that the movie was going to be filled with pretty clothes and cute moments. I was right. But there was much more to it. "This is a story of boy meets girl", that's how the movie starts. The story is unlike another other story I've ever come across. THE BOY DOES NOT GET THE GIRL, and quite frankly that was a relief, the world is tired of those movies. Unlike the usual type of movie, the boy is the one who seems to have the hopeful, see the world in pink glasses kind of guy, while the girl can't be anymore cynical. I loved every moment of this movie.

2. Disturbia (BOUGHT THIS ONE)
I liked how this guy couldn't be anymore entrapped, yet somehow he managed to save his mom, friend and girlfriend. Shia LaBeouf is in this movie.

3. Fight Club
First Rule: You do not talk about Fight Club.
Second Rule: You do not talk about Fight Club.
Third Rule: When someone says "Stop" or goes limp, the fight is over.
Fourth Rule: Only two guys to a fight.
Fifth Rule: One fight at a time.
Sixth Rule: No shirts, no shoes.
Seventh Rule: Fights go on as long as they have to.
Eighth Rule: If this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight...

Chuck Palahniuk is a genius and this movie (based off a book) proves it. It's controversial, it's basically about a guy who can't possibly be anymore self-destructive.

4. Requiem for a Dream
I don't think I've ever watched a film that has left me so much in awe as this one. It's not a happy story, quite the opposite actually. It's heartbreaking. I especially loved the camera angles of this movie. I'm not the type to notice such things, but I did with this movie.

5. American Psycho
It's about a rich guy, who seemingly is absolutely perfect, seems very OCD to me. I don't think it mentions anything in the movie, but one would assume.

PS. It's a mere coincidence that Jared Leto stars in 3 of the movies....or is it?

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