Wednesday, October 7, 2009

15 random thoughts

I got bored, so I decided to create a list, yes, a list of some of my random thought. I spend a great amount of time in my head, it's sad and pathetic really, and I think about these..things and at that moment I'm all 'Wow, I'm like, so smart' and then I think back about what I thought before and it's like I swear somebody must be adding a little somethin' to my cranberry juice, or it might be all that glue..hmm...

1. I think Craig Ferguson would make a great king, in fact they should just get rid of that old person they call the queen of England, I mean how much good could a woman who probably wears diapers do? Uh, yeah, the answer is..ZERO. But on the upside I hear the diaper business is doing well...

2. Today during class I spend a great amount of time thinking about what would the perfect sandwich consist of. I figured I should just put in all the things I like in it, but then another thought dawned on me that maybe icing and salami don't really taste that well together.

3. If I were to come back as an animal and I could choose I'd totally come back as a lion. I'd be such a badass.

4. I think it's really stupid that horror movies have nudity in them, it's like, I came in to see some blood and flying body parts, hear some screams and possible jump from my seat a couple of times, I'm not here for the porn buddy. This issue makes me quite angry. It's like yeah sure, add sex to violence that's not gonna create a new generation of sickos and rapist/murderers at all...

5. I think that the death penalty should be legal in Europe, I don't mean to be insensitive or unreasonable, believe me, I've watched Prison Break, I KNOW, but some people just don't deserve to live. I'm not gonna kill someone myself, but am I going to feel sad when I hear some serial killer or child molester is executed? I don't think so, if anything I'll sleep better. If that makes me a bad person then so be it.

6. I'm not a religious person, but I do believe in some sort of afterlife, that is, heaven and hell.

7. On a less serious note, I think it's awefully dissapointing that Supernatural cast Paris Hilton, but however, on a positive note, she's playing herself, really though, a shapeshifter took her shape and lures Dean, because it knows that he has a weakness for loose women. Heh.

8. Penguins are the cutest animals EVARR.

9. I think it's unfair that women start looking crappier as they get older, but men start looking sexier. Seriously though, you see a picture of some guy in his twenties and he's okay, and then you see him in his 40's and it's like, wow.

10. Screw Twilight, Eric Northman is the smexxiest (yes, 2 x's) vampire in town.

11. If I could do anything in the world, I'd be a writer. I hate it when people say something hurtful and then they say 'They're just words'. Words are NOT just words. They're like an interpreter of our soul..and that's why I wanna be a writer.

12. I have the most awesome friends ever. Yes, I'm talking about you Erica. You're awesome. :) I consider myself lucky in the friends department.

13. It irritates me when people classify black as a color, black is the ABSENCE of color.

14. Sometimes I'm embarresed to admit I like fashion, because it's not exactly fashion I like, I don't follow trends and that's what fashion is really, so the concept in itself confuses me a little.

15. Being rich is not really a priority of mine, nor is builting up a family, commitment's not really my strongest trait, but I do want to travel, I wanna see the world, and I want to mean a lot of people. Most kids my age would have given up on the dream by now, not me, call me naive, a dreamer but I'm not giving up. Not ever.

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